Habit hacks to send that lactic acid packing… fast.

May 31, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever head into a workout with a wealth of energy?

Only to be halted by an indescribable heaviness about ten minutes in?

Ah, yes. The old lactic acid attack. This son of a burn is solely responsible for the horrible paradox that is my fantastic endurance – imprisoned in a flesh cell of lead limbs. It doesn’t always happen to me. But when it does (unintended TMIMITW reference; let’s move on), it can decimate my martial arts training, ruin runs, and fling my form straight out the window during strength work or weight lifting. I mean, I step on the scene, all hopped up on adrenaline Viagra (AKA matcha), and ready to go. Yet, the second I try to hit a mit or sprint or squat or whatever… it’s exactly opposite of how I envisaged it going down in my head. In essence, I feel (and look, most likely) like someone who had a full body bone-ectomy earlier that day. Every effort exerted feels like I’m moving through mud. On drugs. (And not the good kind, either).

So, what gives?

Why does this happen – and more importantly – how can I nip that shiz in the bud yester-second?

Well, however unbelievable, it does have a point. Lactic acid’s ushered into muscles when they’ve tapped they go-to energy reserve, but still have massive energy demands. (Like, when you’re working out.) Bits of the stuff function as momentary muscle fuel. And, while that’s great (’cause it means you won’t fatigue prematurely), it’s also the culprit making you suddenly wonder who the eff just sniped you with Qualude darts partway through your run or punch session.

While the most important “fixes” aren’t as quick as we’d all like ’em to be, there are a few external quick protippy additions you can reach for too. (We’ll get to those in a sec, though.) But first: let’s mention the implementable lifestyle mods that’ll prevent that burny buildup from bringing your body down. ’cause those are crucial too. Examples? First, there’s the suggestion that you swill lots of water (’cause lactic acid’s water soluble) prior to workout o’ clock. Whenever I skimp on this, I’m level lead-body regretting it. So remember to properly agua-fy both pre and post workout. Next, is the breathing pattern; they say that breathing in through the nose and out orally is optimal. Why? It maximizes the dose o’ O2 you’re Hoovering in. And why’s that so important? Well, if your body can hit up the ambient air supply for muscle delivery (so your body meat can keep you moving), then it won’t hafta activate lactic acid mode so fast. If you feel that ouchery coming on, shine an attention spotlight on your oxygen sucking quality. If it sucks, then tweak it. Within a short while the burn should seem less intense.

(This’s actually less airy fairy and bullshizzy than it seems. Veteran runners’ll tell you to keep your chest (AKA heart) lifted and head up ’cause otherwise your air sucking ducts shut closed, blocking oxygen. Fix your “heart” and head posture, though, and… Boom: more oxygen. Boom: the hippies killed it with the epic suggestions, yet again.)

And that burning will also feel less intense later, if you remember to stretch post beast mode. That way it won’t aggregate and have you walking like you just rode an obese horse to work tomorrow morning. (Even though, technically, that’s “delayed onset muscle soreness”, not lactic acid. #themoreyouknow) I myself like a nice yoga sequence chased with a foam roll sesh of flesh destroying proportions.)

But, if you’re like me, you might be thinking: “Um… I do all’a that already, though.” I feel you, my G. Just had to add them in case you’re maybe not caught up with the rest’ve the class yet. But since you are, I’m super glad I stumbled across this adjacent list of dietary tips and foods I myself have been failing to to feast on the past few weeks. (Which explains why I’ve been a Suck-a-saurus Rex in the dojo and jogging alike.)

Still, better tardy than eternally terrible, as they say.

And to avoid aforementioned lactic acid life sentence, read on for some snack hacks here.

#lactic acid#tips#training#tricks

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