8 Ways To Restart Your Weight Loss Path (Part 2)

November 30, 2022 Ashley 0 Comments

We’ve already talked about two reasons we get de-motivated from our weight loss and wellness goals.

Feeling like you “didn’t win” isn’t everyone’s reason for faltering, though.

So, let’s keep chatting about some more inspiration thieves and how to battle them:


Here’s a piggie-back off the last cause we listed for falling off.

Maybe your whole weight loss kick began as a quest for a revenge body or a “I’ll feel worthy when” body. (As in – “when X, Y, or Z happens”, which might be fitting into your bridal dress or not seeing your triceps jiggle anymore.) I’m always torn on this being a motivator. Sometimes it’s fine because many people fall in love with the journey versus the destination once they start feeling the endorphins or making friends at Orange Theory. So if something negative or externally validating ingnited that fire, then fine. The ends justified the means. However, if that’s your goal the whole way through (and the other stuff doesn’t take over) what happens when you heal? When you’re not obsessed with your ex or that unrequited love anymore? When you realize your worth comes from more than how you look? You may have lost motivation because those things went away. They were your motivation. With this, it’s time to upgrade your “why”. Now that you’ve begun (the hardest part), you’ve probably found plenty of reasons why it would be good to keep going – other than the reasons for which you began.


So, maybe your motivators were never about unsustainable goals.

Maybe the workout and diet combo itself is unsustainable.

Indeed, sometimes our motivation is just too intense to keep up with our body’s needs.

Initially, anyway, Then, when we burn out – it all goes to pot. And how does that look? A workout regimen is unsustainable when you can’t keep following your routine because it is interfering with your relationships, happiness, health, finances, or any other number of important facets of your life. Example? Extreme dieting is unsustainable for some. If you know that never ever having at least one cheat day is going to result in an explosion of binge eating and drinking from which you never recover, that’s unsustainable. If the gym you joined is cutting into your rent or grocery money, that’s unsustainable. If your workouts are too hard, too frequent, or without enough variety and cross training – it’s unsustainable. You’ll burn out, hurt yourself, feel too tired to execute other tasks, or get discouraged when you don’t get the results you want. In this case, looking with honest eyes at your diet and workout routine is crucial. What could be improved? Keep in mind that just because something works for your buddy, doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Upgrading whatever isn’t working will ensure you stay on track and remain motivated.

But if none of these reasons for losing steam have resonated with you yet… keep reading.

You might just find the one that matches yours – along with the fix for it.

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