Lizzo’s Weight Loss Looks Good As Hell On Her

October 24, 2020 Ashley 0 Comments

Well, it’s finally happening.

More celebs are waking from this fog of false “body positivity” and finally losing weight.

First it was Adele. Then Rebel. Now, it’s none other than Lizzo herself.

And, as the queen of female empowerment anthems, there couldn’t be a better chick to blaze the way.

In only a matter of months, this chick’s managed to ditch significant weight by doing what she’s always sung about. She broke off an unhealthy relationship. With toxic food. (More specifically, she started a plant based diet. Veganism FTW!) She’s not 100% grubbing on greens – but that’s mostly her jam now. And her outlook about this transformation is awesome too. She states that she had just as much self love before as she does now. This is just where she is in her life. While many a celebrity is afraid of changing up their identity (because fans so closely identify with it), Lizzo stayed true to her individualism, deciding that what she wanted was what plenty celebs and commoners alike are going for this year. Everything in 2020 has been out of our control. But this is something we can take command of: our health. So how’d she do it? What’s her vegan routine?

Well, as the song goes, you can blame this weight loss on her juice. (In part, at least.) The songbird’s slimming diet starts with a breakfast smoothie. The contents? Coconut water, kale, spinach, and frozen fruit. And, unlike Rebel Wilson’s diet, which includes fasting, there’s none of that here. Lunch is bright and beautiful. Her salad isn’t just iceberg lettuce with shredded carrots. It’s kale, cabbage, broccoli, avocado, onions, and carrots. With all that fiber and high water content, the singer’s left content and full. And, she’s smart about it too. Going cold turkey and quitting all your favorite snacks with no nom alternative is a recipe for failure. Instead, Lizzo (a dedicated Flamin’ Cheeto eater) found a plant based, healthier swap. For added flavor? She pairs it with her fave plant based snack. As she puts it, “I dip that in the hummus. Bada-boom, bada-snack!”

What’s fun, though, is looking back at August hater commentary on her vegan meal prep vids. Nutritionists claimed she was eating 3,000 calories a day based off her posts. (Note that the videos don’t show if she eats the whole meal, shares it, or saves some for tomorrow.) They stated that “portion control wasn’t in her vocabulary”. And my personal favorite? That what she was doing “wouldn’t contribute to any meaningful weight loss”. This was back during the summer, when she first started her journey. So, here’s the fun part. Does anyone here reading this think that fifty pounds is meaningful? In just a handful of months?

Because that’s exactly how much she dropped – just like a friggin’ mic.

From healthy eating.

This is so, so important.

I get so many patients waddling into my clinic talking about how they want to lose weight. The second I start suggesting good nutritionists, you wanna know what they do? They start talking about working out. “I walk around my block” or “I’ve been doing my leg lifts at the kitchen counter”. In reality, the answer is in that kitchen. But it has zero to do with lifting the legs and more to do with lifting a fork filled with better choices before it enters your mouth. Yes, working out is important. But it’s not the majority of weight loss. And that’s what won’t make for meaningful weight loss if it’s not paired with the right food. The two go together like girl talk and a bottle of tequila. (Or however the song goes.) Yes, changing routines is hard. We’re addicted to them. Add addictive foods to those routines and it’s even worse. But if we don’t acknowledge that that’s what needs to change, nothing will.

Our girl knew that the truth would hurt in application.

She was willing to go through the pain, though. And now she won’t sugarcoat it for the rest of us wondering how it’s done. Sure, Lizzo’s got photo ops of herself in active wear, looking like a chickpea pudding snack. (Or the “whole damn meal”.) But, when asked about her weight loss, she’ll “hummus” a different tune than celebs who talk about their favorite sweat regimen. For her, she knows it’s the diet. It can’t be said enough, so we’ll repeat it again like we repeat Lizzo’s tunes after a bad breakup: You. Can’t. Outrun. A. Bad. Diet. You can’t out elliptical it. You can’t out leg lift it. You can’t out pushup it. If you want to lose weight, you have to go through a breakup of your own: the one with your own poor dietary habits.

And then what? Well…

♪”You do your salad toss, check your nails. Honey how you feeling?


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