Tag - healthy snacks

January 10, 2017

These vegan Reese’s spheres are healthy, energizing, and delectable

Ever sink your teeth into a Reese’s, and think…. “Why can’t this be good for me?” “Especially when it’s so easy to overeat them?” Yes. I’ve been there. But you...

October 9, 2016

How to avoid possession by the weight gain demon this Halloween…

Sure, you planned to give away all those gobs of goodies to goblins on Halloween night. But you know as well as I that November 1st is the scariest day...

March 11, 2016

Healthy snacks: Pop corn, not your pants’ buttons.

“Popcorn’s actually very healthy, Margot,” assured the diabetes doctor. “Not when you cover it with as much butter as I do,” my mom replied flatly. Much like I am with...

November 13, 2015

Why you should eat these carrot fries

While stalking the Oz channel online, I came across this gem of a nibble idea today: And, whenever I see healthy snack suggestions, I immediately think two things: 1. I...